When someone needs the hair on their face waxed at a beauty parlor, rarely does the client nor the beautician suggest what kind of wax is being used. Believe it or not, but there are many types of wax that are used for hair removal depending on the location. While it is complexly possible to use body wax for facial hair removal through waxing, Bayonet Point residents should be made ware that there is a slight difference between hard wax and soft wax. Most of the time when someone is going to get hair removed from their face, it is usually due to soft wax.
What is Hard Wax?
Hard wax is the type of wax that most people deal with when they are getting facial hair removed, such as hair from the upper lip or hair along the eyebrows. When waxing, Bayonet Point beauticians will have to heat up the hard wax and apply it with some sort of spreader and wait a mount for it to harden. This wax is them removed with a strip in order to pull out the unwanted hairs. This type of wax is often used on someone’s face because it does not stick to a person’s skin as much as soft wax does.
What is Soft Wax?
When people are talking about waxing hair on their body, and including sensitive areas, they will most likely be using some type of soft wax for waxing. Bayonet Point residents should also be aware that this type of wax is a bit harsher, as it sticks to the skin and often removes a layer of dead skin cells. This is also the reason why soft wax cannot be applied to the same spot more than once, unlike Hard wax that is a little gentler. Even though soft wax has a reputation for being a little more harsh for people, it should not be something that is excruciating or discomforting.
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